Sunday, October 31, 2010

My First Visitor!

This morning I said goodbye to my brother after he had the chance to visit me on his fall break from school. It was great to have him here - I got to show him Lucenec and most of the places I go, hang out, and work. We had a good time and it was nice to have a familiar face around for a bit.

In recent weeks, I have also taken on some new English classes. I am now officially teaching three classes and have one more potential class headed my way (4-5 year olds! Right now, I am only teaching adults). Teaching here has been an interesting experience because the levels of English knowledge vary greatly within each class.

Since I have no teaching experience or training, whatsoever, it was beneficial to have my brother (teacher, by profession!) here to give me some good hints and tips about how to teach. Granted, we are teaching in very different situations, but I am taking his advice to heart.

According to Eric, there are three basic parts to teaching a lesson:

1. teach them something.
2. do something together.
3. have them do something independently.

Genius! So simple, and yet I never would have thought of it...

If anyone else has teaching insights, don't hesitate to send them my way! :)

Here's the only shot I managed to get of the two of us while Eric was here. I always forget to take people pictures. But, it's proof of my first visitor, nonetheless!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite and most memorable teachers were always a bit on the crazy side. So you have that going for you...

    Miss you LIZ!!!

    _Bucky the moose
