Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

Today is our last full day in Bratislava as the three of us here in Slovakia will depart for our respective communities tomorrow afternoon! Our time in the "Little Big City" has been fun, but I am excited to get to Lučenec and finally settle into my new home away from home! Today, we had a nice free day and I was able to get to a bookshop and buy a Spanish-Slovak dictionary and Harry Potter... in Slovak! I will consider it a test of my growth in Slovak language over the year.

For now, I leave you with a snapshot from our day trip to Vienna, Austria last weekend - a reflection of the St. Karl Borromäus Karlskirche in a nearby fountain.

1 comment:

  1. Liz! My Aunt Sarah directed me to your blog and I'm so glad she did! What an amazing adventure you are on! the roma people have endured so much all over the world and it is so great that you have dedicated a year of your life to be in solitude with them. i wish you the very best! And i love this picture, so cool! Anyway, just wanted to say hi and let you know i'll be thinking of you. <3 JP thugness
